Artist Statement
Advanced Diploma in Art and Creativity NZQA level 7
I have a deep love and respect for our beautiful country and in times of stress finds the beauty around me has a calming and healing effect.
The effect man has had on this beauty I find disturbing, We are the only species on this wonderful world of ours that does not complete the circle of life, sure we go back to the earth, but while we are here we consume natures resources and when we leave, we leave behind a myriad of possessions that pollute the earth.
We have a duty of care to protect the environment for future generations.
Art for me was a late discovery I attended art school for the first time in 2001, not even knowing if I could draw, I fell in love with the wonderful materials, and indulged in every medium I could lay my hands on, slowly over the last few years my art has evolved.
The realization that through my art I can portray how beautiful I find the world we live in and my sorrow at the destruction we are causing was a turning point for my art , coupled with the development of micrography which seems to suit my drawing style, I can now create beautiful images that carry a strong message. If those that view these images are moved to make even a small change in their lives I have achieved my goal.